Before we dive in, let’s first define truthy, falsy, and nullish values.

Falsy are: null, undefined, false, NaN, 0, -0, 0n a BigInt zero, "", document.all.

Truthy are: any other value than falsy is considered truthy.

Nullish are: undefined, null.

Why is document.all falsy? Follow the rabbit hole here.

Logical assignment operators are &&=, ||= and the nullish coalescing assignment is ??=.

Here is an overview of what they do:

  • x ||= y is equivalent to x || (x = y). Assigns y to x when x is falsy.
  • x &&= y is equivalent to x && (x = y). Assigns y to x when x is truthy.
  • x ??= y is equivalent to x ?? (x = y). Assigns y to x when x is nullish.

When to use what?

You don’t see these operators in the wild that much because they can be confusing at first. But there are cases when they’re useful! 💪 I tried to come up with rules that may be helpful when deciding whether to use this or not.


Use it when updating values that can be falsy. For undefined and null types there is no difference between ||= and ??=.

function createPost(title, body) {
  title ||= 'Untitled'
  body ||= 'Empty body'
  // ...
// Which is the same as:
function createPost(title, body) {
  if (title === '') {
    title = 'Untitled'
  if (body === '') {
    body = 'Empty body'
  // ...


Use it when updating truthy value. The snippet below should give you a rough idea about proper usage. You can update an already set value easily and skip the update when the value hasn’t been initialized yet.

const config = {
  user: undefined, // this can be also { user: string, password: string, admin: boolean }
  host: '',

// Will be executed only if a user is present
// Set user to admin
config.user &&= {
  admin: true

fetch('', {
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: JSON.stringify(config)


Use it when setting a new value on nullish or uninitialized variable. It is also useful for saving expensive computation. See snippet below:

class Fetcher {
  users // undefined at first

  // Fetching is an expensive operation, we can do it only once
  // and then serve users from this.users variable.
  async getUsers() {
    this.users ??= await fetch('')
			.then(r => r.json())
    return this.users
/** @param {{ location: string|undefined }} jobPost */
function createJobPost(jobPost) {
	jobPost.location ??= 'remote'
	return jobPost

createJobPost({}) // => { location: 'remote }


With these operators we can remove some if statements guarding whether value is defined or not.

I recommend using &&= and ??= for most of the time. Nullish values are more common for default values. In that case there is ??= for you.

When you want to update a value only when it is defined the &&= operator will serve you well.

Check previous post about 👉 JavaScript ES6 and beyond.
